Last week's activities:
Monday, July 6th- We met with Deacon Tom from St Thomas More (in Austin) today and decided on a date for our double ring ceremony and Brooke's baptism.....August 8th at 10am. Let me back up...because Mike and I got married outside almost 2 years ago, our marriage is not recognized in the Catholic Church. Joey and Paige (Mike's brother and sister-in-law) asked us to be Godparents to their youngest daughter Brooke, but the rules have changed in the Catholic churches recently. To become Godparents, you HAVE to be Catholic (which we are) AND we had to have ALL sacraments in the Catholic Church. Of course, we have been baptized, had 1st communion, 1st confession, and confirmation in our own churches growing up, but we were missing the Sacrament of Marriage. RULES! So, we are having a double ceremony with Joey and Paige (who were not married in the church either) and then Brooke will get baptized right afterwards. 3-in-1 ceremony! We are very excited to become Brooke's Godparents. She is such an awesome baby!
Tuesday, July 7th- Jackie (a coworker of mine) and me took our ESL certification test today. I thought it was pretty hard (considering I can't see out of one eye...more on that later), but I passed so I am happy!
Wednesday, July 8th- I went to a training today with most of my 3rd Grade Team. Debbie came in today from Houston about the time I got out of my training. I love it when she comes into town! We went to Trudy's with friends for good food and drinks. I was wishing the whole time that I could have their awesome Mexican Martinis! Those who came: Mike & Me, Debbie, Nick, Tim & his date?, Jackie, LauraLee & Tom, Chrysty & Chris, and Chelsea. GREAT friends! Here are some pics...I am in my ugly glasses b/c of my eye problem.
Jackie & Chelsea

Them silently voting-you had to be there! :)

LauraLee and Tom-rubbing it in that they could have Mexican Martinis!

The group

Chris and Chrysty

Mike and me

Date?, Tim, and Mike

Chelsea and Chrysty

My 2 favorite people- Mike and Deb

Deb and Me

LauraLee and Tom

Nick, Jackie, and Chelsea

Thursday, July 9th- Debbie and I spent the day together. We ran errands and then went to my doctor's appt. Baby Emerson is 2 lbs, 13 oz now and was in the 49th percentile for weight, which they say is average. Afterwards, we spent the day at the pool. Mike joined us there when he got off work. Here's a pic of the dogs bonding with Debbie. They love their Aunt Deb! You can barely see Marlie b/c she's black, but all 3 dogs (Marlie, Macy and Miller) are on the chair with Deb!

Friday, July 10th- After getting awesome pedicures, Debbie left today to go back to Houston...BOO! I had my 4th eye appt. A few weeks ago, I went to the eye doc with 2 very red, stinging, aching eyes. Turns out I had an eye infection in each of them. My right eye was much worse though, and everything was very blurry. They prescribed steroid eye drops to clear up the infection. 2-3 weeks later, I am STILL taking these eye drops! The infections have cleared up, but that right eye still has very serious blurriness (even with glasses on). Cannot see anything out of it and cannot wear my contacts, so it has not been fun. Hopefully, I will get my vision back soon!
Saturday, July 11th- We had our Childbirth and Infant Care class today at Round Rock Medical Center. (That is not where we are delivering..just where the weekend class was being offered.) We spent almost 9 hours there but learned a lot about the birthing process, so we are both glad we went.
Afterwards, we went to Annette's parents house for a Pool Party with friends from work! We had a great time visiting with my teacher friends and their hubbies, grilling, and hanging out by the pool!