Wednesday, July 15th- Math Camp Summer School starts next week, so the teachers teaching it had to go to training today and tomorrow for it. I like teaching summer school. It's pretty easy and great money! Mike and I met with a pediatrician at lunch. His practice was holding a "Meet and Greet" to meet expecting parents. This is the 3rd pediatrician we have met with, and we liked him it looks like that searching process is over....WHHEW! He seems great! After training was over for the day, I had ANOTHER eye appt. The vision in my right eye is slowly getting better. Still very blurry, but a little better than my last appt. So hopefully, it will continue to get better!
Thursday, July 16th- I had training today again for Summer School but only until 11:30. Afterwards, my mother-in-law came into town to work on the crib bedding. She is doing an awesome job on looks GREAT so far, and I cannot wait to see the finished product. Also this week, we had our deck restained. Mike stained it last March, but it had already faded. It's a lot of work, so Mike had 2 of his workers come out to do it. They worked hard in the hot sun for 3 days, but it looks great!

Friday, July 17th- Betty is still here working on our bedding. She is doing the crib bumper, crib bedskirt, blanket/quilt and a valance. I am keeping her very busy! We are about to go run some errands and then we will all (including the dogs) be off to Waco for the weekend. I am having a baby shower in Waco on Saturday....can't wait!
The deck looks GREAT!!!