Sat, 8/15- We've been busy with lots of things- one reason it has taken me so long to post another blog. One of the many things we have been up to is Tim's housewarming party! He built a beautiful house out in Dripping Springs a while back now, but he just got around to having everyone out for a party. It was a lot of fun. The theme was "Beer From Around the World", so he had lots of different types on hand, most of which I had never heard of before. Sure wish I could've partaken in tasting them! But I did get to eat the yummy food- he also had foods from around the world- hotdogs and hamburgers (from the US of course), eggrolls, mexican dishes, and so on. Lots of fun!
Mon, 8/17- This was my first day back to work- well at least for Staff Development Week. And then school started for the kids on 8/24. It has been interesting so far! I have found a long-term substitute to take over my class while I am gone and have coached him on everything, so I feel much better about that. I think he was a little overwhelmed when I emailed him about 6-7 pages of lesson plans, and that was only for the first week! He is a great sub, and I have full confidence that he will do great while I am gone. People keep asking me how long I am going to be out. I have no idea! It kinda depends on when she comes and how everything goes. I have a feeling it is going to be very hard going back to work and leaving her at daycare. Luckily, we have found an in-home daycare that we really like, and we both feel very comfortable leaving her with this daycare provider. I guess I am going to play it by ear on how long I stay home with her...more than likely, it will be for about 8 weeks after she is born.
The week of Staff Development, I dropped my cell phone in my Sonic drink....don't ask! Both my phone and my SIM card were ruined...awwww! Not cool! Mike and I had been talking about getting me an iPhone for my day (Sept 29th), so we decided to just buy it then as an early b-day present. It took me awhile to get everyone's phone #s again, but I think I have most everyone's that I had before. I love playing on it, but I still have a lot to learn!
Also, in that same week, Mom was down babysitting my niece Bailey (for over a week). We spent a lot of time with both of them, going out to dinners, swimming, going to see a Disney movie...it was a lot of fun!
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