Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daycare, Santa and her first round of shots

Tuesday~ This is my last week of maternity leave :(, so I wanted to take Emerson in to the daycare to see how she did before she starts for good. Knowing that for sure I would cry, I wanted to wait until I was at least in my car....but I didn't make it that far. I cried when I was leaving....when the daycare lady saw me, she teared up too. I dropped her off at 9am and didn't pick her up until 3pm. That's the longest I have ever been away from her (besides during my hospital stay). It was NO FUN for me, but I think she did well. I think she slept most of the time, but she did get a chance to lay in the swing awake and watch the other kids play. I know daycare will be good for need social interaction with other kids and I am happy with who Mike and I chose. It's not her I worry's ME! I don't like leaving my little girl.

Wednesday~ We went to go see SANTA CLAUS! Yes, it's a little early, but I am trying to get this stuff done before I go back to work. She wore her Christmas dress and looked so pretty! This was her first time in shoes! Santa looked pretty good himself...very realistic!

Afterwards was the not-so-fun part. Emerson had her 2 month check up....Mike met us there. Doc said she looked great! But then she had to get her 6 vaccinations. All shots in her legs...that was NOT fun for her or for me. She screamed like I had never heard her before (rightfully so), and I cried as well. I bet her little legs are so sore. At 4 months old, we have to do that all over again....and not looking forward to it. Here are her stats:

Weight- 11.1 lbs (50th-75th percentile range)
Length- 22.5 in (50th percentile)
Head circumference: 37.5 cm (10th-25th percentile range)

Mike and I both have tiny heads, so it makes sense that her head would be small as well. I would normally be worried about that, but I'm not concerned knowing her genes!

We are getting ready for a fun-filled Thanksgiving week with lots of traveling. This Saturday, we go to Victoria for Hrncir Thanksgiving/Christmas (Mike's mom's family)...just for the day. On Wednesday, we are going to Waco for my family's Thanksgiving until Friday. That will be an interesting trip with Emerson and all 3 dogs! On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we go to Hallettsville for Schott Thanksgiving. GEEZ!!!!!!!!! I guess it's good practice for Christmas...we will again be doing so much traveling...this time with a newborn in tow.

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