Friday, 5/8- We got a new roof, compliments of the insurance company! We had a hailstorm in North Austin and the surrounding suburbs sometime last month, and our roof was totaled. It's nice getting a new roof without having to pay for it!
When I got home after work, I heard someone honking in front of my house. I went out there, and 2 of my teammates (Sarah and Ernesto) told me to hop in the car...we were going to Happy Hour! I'm usually always up for Happy Hour...the rest of our 3rd grade team met us there. Fun times!
Saturday, 5/9- We registered today at Babies R' US and Target. took us about 6 hours! Babies R' Us is a little overwhelming for a soon-to-be first time parent....WAY too many choices for things I know nothing about! Guess we will figure it all out very soon!
Afterwards, Mike and I went to Dale's in Wahlburg, TX (east of Georgetown) to hear awesome live music! We met up with a lot of my work friends. A Kinder teacher's husband plays trombone in the band...they were GREAT and very entertaining! The name of the band was Rotel and the Hot Tomatoes.
"The Hot Tomatoes"


Ernesto and Rachel

Mike and Brendan

Robin, Annette, Sarah, me, Trish

Ernesto, Mike, Annette, and Robin

Robin and Kedrick

Trish and Sarah

Sarah, Rachel, Richie

Our table

The first set they played was 60's music...then they took a break, came back out, and played 70s, and then took another break and played 80s. Each time, the 3 girls changed into new outfits. Very cool and very good cover music that we all know!
We had fun hanging out with friends in the awesome weather- sitting at picnic tables, drinking pitchers of beer (well not me of course), and eating "Wahlburgers". Highly recommend the venue and the band!
Sunday, 5/10- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the mommas out there! We got up early and drove 2 1/2 hours to Victoria for lunch with Mike's mom, stepdad and brother Nick. We had lunch at the Victoria Country Club...awesome food and even better desserts.....YUMMY key lime pie!