We were not supposed to have an ultrasound on Friday, but I BEGGED my doctor! I told her that my mom was coming in town to be at this appt with us (true) and that we had a big shopping trip planned on Saturday to pick out baby stuff (also true). She was awesome and told us that she would hate to interfere with our shopping trip! She was extremely busy but still did the ultrasound. At first the baby wasn't moving much, but then she started moving, thank goodness. Finally, she was able to see what she needed to see and said that she was quadruple checking just to be sure, so that we didn't buy the wrong stuff at Canton! She asked if we were ready, and then started typing on the ultrasound "ITS A" and then she paused and asked us what we thought it was. Of course, we all 3 (Mom, Mike and me) said we thought it was a boy. Then, she typed in "G" and the rest. and we all gasped! We were all in shock and of course I was crying. It was such an awesome moment! It is such a good feeling to be able to call it a "she" and a "her". I feel like this baby finally has an identity. We can decide on a name and call her by name. We are so lucky to have a healthy baby so far!
I guess we should've taken our fortunes seriously. Mike and I have eaten chinese food twice from 2 different places since I have been pregnant, and we received fortunes in our fortune cookies that really grabbed our attention. The words on the back said "Girl" on 2 of them and "Daughter" on another! We thought for sure they were wrong! But looks like they weren't! Here are the pics.....

That is so cool about the fortunes! Now I'll be reading everything into mine. Ha!