
Monday 5/11- We had an appt with the specialist to do a Full Anatomy Survey of the baby. It was totally optional, but I am glad we did it b/c the ultrasound was so much clearer than in the obgyn's offc. The u/s took about 45 minutes, and they measure EVERY part of the baby to make sure everything is in normal range. They check out the heart, kidneys, gender organs, arms, legs, fingers, toes, everything! Very neat!
Just in case you didn't know, we decided on a name. Emerson Kate. We realize that it's a little different, which is exactly why we like it! We may end up calling her Emma (Kate)
for short.
Afterwards, we went out to eat with Mike's brother Joey and his wife Paige to Threadgills on Lamar. YUM!
She is so dang cute! ;-) I am in love with the name still.