Mike finished painting the nursery, and we think it looks great! If only the room was bigger! We moved the new furniture in...everything except the crib which is on backorder 'til maybe August. Right now, we have the cradle (which will go in our bedroom) in place of the crib until it arrives.

If you know me at all, you know I am a huge organizer. The first thing I had to do was find baskets/tubs for the armoire! Now I feel better... :)

As more starts to happen in here, I will post more pics. My friend Trish is painting wooden letters for the wall which spell out 'Emerson'. She is also painting a canvas to go on a different wall. Can't wait for the crib to arrive, the bedding to get done (my mother-in-law is making it), and the stuff on the wall to be finished and hung!
The room looks great!