Friday 6/12- Mike and I went to see 'The Hangover' at Alamo Drafthouse. FUNNY movie...definitely a must-see!

Saturday 6/13- Mike played in a golf tournament with his work buddies at the Willie Nelson Golf Course in Spicewood, TX. While he was doing that, I babysat my niece Bailey. We went swimming at my subdivision pool. She had a great time! I met my friend LauraLee and her mom there, so that's LauraLee in the pic with Bailey.

Saturday evening/night, we went to dinner with LauraLee and her mom, and then we went back over to their place for drinks (well not me) and Wii! We had fun bowling. Mike was pretty tipsy, so he had a great time attempting to HulaHoop, downhill ski, and holding yoga poses! It was quite funny!

For some reason, Mike cannot HulaHoop! He had the hardest time, so LauraLee was trying to get him to move his hips in a circular was hilarious!

LauraLee doing step aerobics.

Mike holding his "tree" position!

Sunday 6/14- We ran errands, and then went for a birthday dinner celebration at Iguana Grill. It was Mike's friend-Mark's birthday, so we had dinner on the lake with Mark, his wife Dina, their son Noah, Mike's brother Joey, his wife Paige, and some more of Mark's friends. Iguana Grill was a very cool was a first time for both of us. Happy Birthday Mark!

Mike, me, Paige (sis-in-law), Joey (bro-in-law)

The bday boy Mark, Dina, and Noah

I have an ESL (English as a Second Language) workshop to attend all week, so this next week will be no summer fun for me! :( I have to wake up early in the morning (I was spoiled all last week), so I am going to bed!
I love Wii Fit!!!! I can't believe he can't Hula Hoop- too funny. I'm surprisingly good at it- I've unlocked the Advanced level and can go for about 6-9 minutes. I love the Step one too.