Friday, 5/29- Trish (a friend from work) and I headed to Waco after school. We arrived at my parent's house, and my long-time friend Christi was already over there with her little girl Hayley (our goddaughter) and her husband Brian. It was great to hang out with everyone and catch up. My college friend Debbie arrived shortly after we did, and we all went to George's Bar (minus little Hayley)....Trish, Debbie, Christi, Bryan, Mom and Dad. So much fun! We had dinner and they had Big-O-Beers...it was Debbie and Trish's first time to Georges!

Afterwards, Mom and Dad went home and the rest of us went to Wild West to hear Wade & Randy play! They were awesome as usual, and we had a lot of fun! I had forgotten that in Waco you can smoke in the bars....man, it was one huge cloud of smoke in there....probably not great for the baby, but I figured she could handle one night of second-hand smoke! Wade is a friend of Christi's and mine from 1st grade on....we are all from Waco, so it is always fun to hear him play. Randy is from TX State and went to college with Christi. His wife Brooke and Christi were roommates through college, so Christi is better friends with Brooke. She was not able to make it, but I know Christi missed her! If you get a chance, try to catch them on their acoustic tour...very entertaining! The bar was very dark and smoky, so the pics were horrible.
Here is a video of them from their acoustic tour from last year.
Randy Rogers and Wade Bowen - Songs and Stories: The Acoustic Tourl
Oh, and then when the concert was over, we hard Bryan's name get called over the loud speaker in the bar to go outside. When we go out there, the cops were waiting on him to tell him that his truck's tires had been slashed. A few of the huge, nice, tall trucks in the parking lot had their tires slashed and one truck was badly keyed. Apparently, someone was jealous of their nice trucks! So, we stayed in the parking lot until 3am with the cops and the other people who were victims to these creeps and watched them get handcuffed and arrested!
Saturday, 5/30- Canton Time! We (Deb, Trish and I) got up early and drove 2 1/2 hours to Canton to go shopping! For those that don't know, Canton has a HUGE Trade/Markets days on the first weekend of every month. It is awesome, and I would go every month if I lived closer. I had just been last month with Mom and Jamie, so I did not buy a ton of stuff this time. But Trish and Deb did! I think they really enjoyed it. We shopped for about 7 1/2 hours, and it was HOT! At about 7:30pm, we left for the 2 1/2 hour trip back to Waco. We were pooped when we got back to my parent's house! We spent the night there and left the next morning. Debbie went back to Houston, and Trish and I back to Austin.
It was a great weekend! We need to do stuff like that more often. If we only had more money..... ha!