Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ugghhhh, work!

Even though people may think that teachers don't work in the summertime, we do! We have to do trainings, workshops, get ready for the next school year, and also teach summer school (summer school is optional). I have always taught summer school (too good of money to pass up), so I decided to teach it one last summer before it's not cost-effective anymore with a child & pay for childcare.

So far, I am working about 4 weeks this summer, and that's not including all of the meetings our 3rd grade team will have before school starts to plan lessons and get everything prepared for next year. Plus, I have to start making lesson plans for pretty much August---->December (to be on the safe side). I'm not planning on it, but in case I have to go on bedrest before my due date, my substitute teacher has to know what to teach! And then if I do have the baby in Late September, my sub plans will have to last until sometime in December.

Sooo, pretty much, I have a lot of work to do this summer, considering I have to make sub plans for about 3 months! I worked all last week...I went to the ESL (English as a Second Language) Academy and have now signed up to take the certification exam in July to become certified in ESL.

Also, Mike and I went to a "Meet & Greet" at a pediatrician's office here in Cedar Park. It's where you meet the pediatricians in a certain practice, and the doctors tell you about them, their practice, and their policies. We have 2 more of these Meet & Greets in the next couple of weeks, and then we can decide who will be Emerson's pediatrician!

I got REALLY sunburned last Friday (6/12)....oh it was BAD, and it HURT! Here's a pic, but the picture does not even do it justice.
I am peeling pretty bad right now, and its so itchy! I'm just trying to decide when its ok to go back out there. I have stayed out of the sun all week, and I'm ready to go back to the pool!

Sat, 6/20- Mike left at 7am this morning to go help his Dad for Father's Day. Him and his brother Nick went to Hallettsville to help his dad replace the barn doors on the farm. Supposedly, they blew off and the barn was wide open...perfect timing for a cheap Father's Day present (manual labor!) its Nick and Mike to the rescue! They are staying down there tonight and coming back in the morning.

I am meeting my Mom and Dad for dinner in Temple tonight. That way, I can give Dad his Father's Day gift since I am not in Waco this weekend. it!

That's it for, I wrote a lot! Next week involves a work training and getting packed and ready for a 3-night stay in Concan, TX! Schott Family Reunion Time!

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