Tuesday, December 29, 2009
No time, no time
If you are a working mom and still have time to update your blog, please give me your trick! I have been using my "free time" doing laundry, organizing all of Emerson's new toys and clothes, and playing with my sweet baby girl. Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas holiday...we sure did! :-) Love to all....
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Ahhhhhh sleep!
She is smiling and laughing all the time! And she LOVES LOVBS LOVES bathtime! She kicks her legs and moves her arms all around. We do bathtime at the same time every night and she is getting familiar with the routine, so she gets excited when we enter the bathroom at that time. She knows what's coming!
We love our little girl! :)
Getting packed up for 3 days in Waco....lots of stuff to pack for a little baby....geez!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Daycare, Santa and her first round of shots
Wednesday~ We went to go see SANTA CLAUS! Yes, it's a little early, but I am trying to get this stuff done before I go back to work. She wore her Christmas dress and looked so pretty! This was her first time in shoes! Santa looked pretty good himself...very realistic!

Afterwards was the not-so-fun part. Emerson had her 2 month check up....Mike met us there. Doc said she looked great! But then she had to get her 6 vaccinations. All shots in her legs...that was NOT fun for her or for me. She screamed like I had never heard her before (rightfully so), and I cried as well. I bet her little legs are so sore. At 4 months old, we have to do that all over again....and not looking forward to it. Here are her stats:
Weight- 11.1 lbs (50th-75th percentile range)
Length- 22.5 in (50th percentile)
Head circumference: 37.5 cm (10th-25th percentile range)
Mike and I both have tiny heads, so it makes sense that her head would be small as well. I would normally be worried about that, but I'm not concerned knowing her genes!
We are getting ready for a fun-filled Thanksgiving week with lots of traveling. This Saturday, we go to Victoria for Hrncir Thanksgiving/Christmas (Mike's mom's family)...just for the day. On Wednesday, we are going to Waco for my family's Thanksgiving until Friday. That will be an interesting trip with Emerson and all 3 dogs! On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we go to Hallettsville for Schott Thanksgiving. GEEZ!!!!!!!!! I guess it's good practice for Christmas...we will again be doing so much traveling...this time with a newborn in tow.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Has it been 2 months already?
Our time together these last couple of months has been great! She has started to smile back at me when I talk to her. Sometimes, when she's really happy, she will even kinda laugh! We have our 2 month checkup at the doctor on Wednesday, and I am so interested in her current weight....she's a chunky little thing! Love those chubby cheeks and leg rolls!
She's gone many places in her first 2 months....she's been:
-to Waco (over the Halloween break)
-shopping countless times! (her favorite places are Kohls, Target, Babies R Us, and the mall)
-to a high school football game
-to a housewarming party
-to a football watching party
-up to my school a few times
-to church
-out to eat at lots of restaurants!
-on a sneak-peek visit to her daycare
Since it's been so long since I posted, I will just paste the links to her pictures thus far.
Emerson's BIRTHday and stay in the hospital:
Her 1-week pictures (taken at home by Mike's secretary):
September (well, the rest of it) pictures:
October pictures:
November pictures:
I hope to get better about posting more frequently....we will see how that goes!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Very Trying Time
Mike and I have had quite the week. At 3:30am on Fri night/Sat morning, I woke up with a high fever. My body ached so bad and was shivering hard. I took Tylenol, nursed Emerson, pumped and then the fever started to break. I woke up in a puddle of sweat from breaking the fever. While trying to take a shower, I was so dizzy and lightheaded that I almost passed out. Mike had to get me out of the shower. Around 11 am, the fever came back and even worse. I called my doc's after hours line, and the doc said to go to the ER- especially since I am postpartum, just having Emerson 2 weeks before.
In the ER, my blood pressure ran 57/32. If you don't know, normal is 130/80. I was also very dehydrated, so they immediately hooked me up to IV fluids. I had ultrasounds run on me to determine if part of the placenta had been accidentally left in. Ultrasounds came back negative. I was admitted into the hospital after the ultrasounds and blood and urine cultures came back negative, and they couldn't diagnose what was wrong. They did discover that my white blood count and my kidney (creatinine) levels were both extremely high, but could not tell me why.
On Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, they ran every test under the sun on me. Chest CT scan, abdominal CT scan, kidney ultrasounds, ultrasounds checking for blood clots, etc.. My symptoms during this time were fever and chills every few hours, dizziness, lightheadedness, trouble breathing, upper abdominal pain, etc. Both of the levels mentioned above were getting worse, even after taking tons of antibiotics and fluids through an IV.
All of those ultrasounds, scans, blood draws came back negative for major organ problems. My doctor was stumped and said that it must be an internal bacterial infection that took over my body, because it could not be anything else. Around Wednesday, antibiotics seem to working bc my levels started to come down slowly. I was still having fever, but not as frequently. I was given a little oxygen and a breathing pipe to help with my breathing. Doc said that I would be released when my levels were back to normal and I didn't have fever/chills for 48 hours.
It's Thursday evening now, and I am playing the waiting game. My levels have returned to normal, but we are waiting the 48 hrs of being fever-free. I am hoping things go well tonight and I get released tomorrow, but we will see!
My mom and Mike have been fabulous throughout this whole thing. Both had to take off work all week. They have switched off being with me here at the hospital and taking care of our 2 week old at home. I miss Emerson like crazy. This has been very hard for me. I have pictures of her up in the hospital but cry every time I look at them. New moms should not be separated from their babies. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about her well-being because she has an awesome Daddy and Nana taking care of her.
I was nursing before this illness started, so that has been another ordeal. Apparantly, being really ill diminishes your milk supply, so I was not producing anything. I pumped at the hospital, but with no success. We had to start giving her 100% formula, and this really upset me. Luckily, my milk supply has come back since starting to feel better. They are able to give her part breast milk/part formula at every feeding. Hopefully, I will be able to give her 100% breastmilk soon.
So, it's Day 6 now, and I am hoping to get out tomorrow. I am still very weak, so I don't know how much I will be able to help out at home, but I SOOOO just want to be home. I miss changing my baby's diapers (crazy, I know) and giving her baths and rocking her, I miss cuddling with my husband, I miss my dogs, I miss my bed, I miss home-cooked meals, I miss everything.
This has been very frustrating b/c they can't put a name on my illness. The internal doctor said that I was "very, very sick" and "levels and bp were critical" at one point, but no one can diagnose it. I am just hoping they didn't miss anything even more serious.
OK, so I am rambling now here in my hospital bed while watching Greys. I need to say one more time though that I am very thankful to my husband and my mom for all of their help. They both had to take off work all week, sleep in a recliner at the hospital, do all day-duty with Emerson and all-night duty with her too, transport breastmilk back and forth from home, etc. I love them so very much.
Don't you know that 31 is the new 21?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Emerson made her debut!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Emerson coming soon!
I am out of work now (starting yesterday), so I am resting up for the BIG DAY! Will post more soon....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Birthday Celebration for Betty, Gene, Paige and Me!

On Mike's side of the family (well his mom's side), there are 4 of us with b-days close together in August and September. Soon there will be a 5th one to celebrate at that time! So, every year, we meet up and celebrate all 4 at once. This year on Sunday 8/30, we met in Gonzales- halfway between Austin and Victoria (where his Mom and stepdad Gene live)- and had lunch.
Caleb turns 28!

Caleb's birthday was on August 20th, but we were unable to make the celebration at Esther's Follies downtown that night. It would have been a lot of fun, but I had Open House (Meet the Parents & Students) and knew I would be too tired to go after working all day and then Open House. But, we did make the dinner on Saturday night 8/22 at Cheesecake Factory in the Arboretum. YUM! Happy Birthday Caleb! (OH, Mike got a kick out of Kirk's temporary mohawk! That's the reason for the last 2 pics. I think he only had it like that for a day, but it actually looked good on him!)
Housewarming Party, Work, my new iPhone, and time with Mom and Bailey

Sat, 8/15- We've been busy with lots of things- one reason it has taken me so long to post another blog. One of the many things we have been up to is Tim's housewarming party! He built a beautiful house out in Dripping Springs a while back now, but he just got around to having everyone out for a party. It was a lot of fun. The theme was "Beer From Around the World", so he had lots of different types on hand, most of which I had never heard of before. Sure wish I could've partaken in tasting them! But I did get to eat the yummy food- he also had foods from around the world- hotdogs and hamburgers (from the US of course), eggrolls, mexican dishes, and so on. Lots of fun!
Mon, 8/17- This was my first day back to work- well at least for Staff Development Week. And then school started for the kids on 8/24. It has been interesting so far! I have found a long-term substitute to take over my class while I am gone and have coached him on everything, so I feel much better about that. I think he was a little overwhelmed when I emailed him about 6-7 pages of lesson plans, and that was only for the first week! He is a great sub, and I have full confidence that he will do great while I am gone. People keep asking me how long I am going to be out. I have no idea! It kinda depends on when she comes and how everything goes. I have a feeling it is going to be very hard going back to work and leaving her at daycare. Luckily, we have found an in-home daycare that we really like, and we both feel very comfortable leaving her with this daycare provider. I guess I am going to play it by ear on how long I stay home with her...more than likely, it will be for about 8 weeks after she is born.
The week of Staff Development, I dropped my cell phone in my Sonic drink....don't ask! Both my phone and my SIM card were ruined...awwww! Not cool! Mike and I had been talking about getting me an iPhone for my day (Sept 29th), so we decided to just buy it then as an early b-day present. It took me awhile to get everyone's phone #s again, but I think I have most everyone's that I had before. I love playing on it, but I still have a lot to learn!
Also, in that same week, Mom was down babysitting my niece Bailey (for over a week). We spent a lot of time with both of them, going out to dinners, swimming, going to see a Disney movie...it was a lot of fun!
Updates on the nursery, on Emerson, and on the pregnancy!

Emerson updates- At our last appt on 8/31, they had her weighing in at about 6lbs 3oz from the measurements on her ultrasound. That is the 42nd percentile for weight, so she is almost average. On that date, I was 36 1/2 weeks. I go weekly now, so I can't wait to see what they say at my next appt on 9/9. She is doing wonderfully. We are so happy and feel so blessed that the pregnancy has gone well and that she has been healthy thus far. We are so excited, we almost can't stand it! Our bags are packed, and we are ready!
For anyone that has not been pregnant before, I will tell you and warn you now that the last month is absolutely NO FUN! It is impossible to get any sleep b/c you cannot get comfortable. I get up to pee at least 4 times a night....and getting up is not easy! These last few weeks have consisted of swollen feet, lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, raised blood pressure and being so tired I am almost don't think I can make it through the day. Working full-time has not been easy either, especially in my field of work. Anyone that teaches elementary kids knows that the first few weeks of school are the hardest and most stressful weeks of the year. Sitting down is almost not an option. It's been hard starting off the year being 8 1/2 months pregnant...and the heat is not helping either....next time, we will TRY to time our pregnancy differently! Oh- and I have developed carpal tunnel in both of my wrists. Supposedly, this is a hormonal thing that springs up in some pregnancies. The doc says it will go away after the baby is born. Hope so, b/c it hurts! OK- enough complaining! She is coming soon...very soon...so I can stand it all until then.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The latest on Emerson
Everything else is looking good! They gave me an u/s pic, but my scanner is messed up right now so I can't upload it.
Our Last Baby Shower....Fun Times!

So, my friends LauraLee, Debbie, and Christi threw Mike and I a WONDERFUL baby shower! It was thrown at our house on Saturday 8/8 night, and we had a blast! They provided great food (brisket, beans, potato salad, etc) and alcohol (even a marg machine). There were about 50-55 people here, so we had a great time! There were so many different groups of people here...my family, Mike's family, my friends from HS and college, Mike's friends from college, my work friends, etc. It started at 6 pm, and the last people left at 2am. Of course at the end of the night, games were brought out to play! I retired around midnight, but I am glad everyone stayed up and partied even later! Oh- and we got a ton of great stuff. I think Emerson has anything and everything she could ever want!